List of Standard Chartered Bank Singapore Branches

If you are facing problems finding Standard Chartered Branches, you are at the right place. Today we will be sharing with your a complete list of all Standard Chartered Branches with their location, contact numbers and operating hours.

Also, find Standard Chartered ATM locations & Standard Chartered SWIFT codes.

standard chartered branches

Standard Chartered Branches in Singapore

Below is the list of Standard Chartered Branches found in Singapore, including their address location. It will be easier for you to check if the branch is in your area; please do a “CTRL+F” search on your keyboard and type the bank name or location.

Also, find Also, Find Maybank Branches

Location: 50 Jurong Gateway Road, #B1-12, JEM, Singapore 608549
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 7 pm

Takashimaya S.C. (with Priority Banking Centre)
Location: 391 Orchard Road, #B2-39 Takashimaya Shopping Centre, Ngee Ann City Singapore 238872
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 7 pm

Holland Village
Location: 261 Holland Avenue, Singapore 278986
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 4 pm
Sat: 10am to 1pm

Sixth Avenue Priority Banking Centre
Location: 795/797 Bukit Timah Road,Singapore 269766
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 4 pm
Sat: 10am to 1pm

Clementi Mall
Location: 3155 Commonwealth Avenue West, #04-16/17, Clementi Mall, Singapore 129588
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 9 pm

Jurong Point (Express Banking Centre)
Location: 63 Jurong West Central 3, #01-85/86, Jurong Point Shopping Centre,
Singapore 648331
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 7 pm

Location: 1 Harbourfront Walk #B2-01 VivoCity Singapore 098585
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 9 pm

NEX Serangoon
Location: 23 Serangoon Central, #03-02, NEX, Singapore 556083
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Sun: 11 am to 9 pm

Serangoon Garden (with Priority Banking Centre)
Location: 67 Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 555963
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 4 pm
Sat: 10am to 1pm

Location: 900 South Woodlands Drive, #02-07 Woodlands Civic Centre, Singapore 730900
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 5 pm
Sat: 10am to 2pm

Location: Blk 210, New Upper Changi Road, #01-703/705, Singapore 460210
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 4 pm
Sat: 10am to 1pm

Marine Parade (with Priority Banking Centre)
Location: Location: Blk 87, Marine Parade Central, #01-500, Singapore 440087
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 5 pm
Sat: 10am to 2pm

Location: 3 Tampines Central 1, #01-01,Abacus Plaza, Singapore 529540
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 5 pm
Sat: 10am to 2pm

Battery Road (with Priority Banking Centre)
Location: 6 Battery Road, Singapore 049909
TEL: +65 6747 7000
Mon to Fri: 10 am to 7 pm

Marina Bay Financial Centre Branch
Location: 8 Marina Boulevard, #01-01, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore 018981
TEL: +65 6747 7000

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